The Simplicity Show Ep. 5: Things Get Stressful

Ok, it's not really stressful.. in fact, it's a lot of fun. But it's ABOUT stress.

In this episode we talk about the causes and symptoms of stress, what some of our teammates do to handle stress, the likelihood of a raptor attack, and ice pick lobotomies.
BOOM: That's a teaser.

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The Simplicity Show Ep. 4: Running the Numbers with Nick Faber

In this episode of the Simplicity Show podcast we talk to Nick Faber, our new CFO, (A.K.A. The Eagle) and definitively answer the age-old question: How funny can an Accountant be? (You were wondering, admit it.)

Disclaimer: No Accountants or Marketers were harmed – either physically or mentally – during the recording of this podcast.

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Welcome to Our Mortgage Team's New Home!

Maybe this sounds familiar: You find a space to call your own and it’s perfect. Settle in, make it cozy, fill it with your coolest stuff, add a fresh coat of paint, and VOILA you’re home.

Life. Is. Good.

Then, almost before you realize it, your space starts to shrink because your family starts to grow.

We know EXACTLY how you feel.

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Don’t Panic: Life Advice for Turbulent Times

Hey, take a deep breath, hold it, now slowly exhale.. good.. now do that one more time: Deep breath.. hold it.. exhale… Doesn’t that feel better?

Now keep taking slow, relaxed breaths because we want to talk to you about something that feels a little scary. We promise it won’t by the time we’re done, but sometimes just being told not to panic makes you panic a little.

We’re going to talk about the stock market (breathe) and mortgage rates (deep, slow breaths, friend) and by the time we’re done it will all seem ok, OK?

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The Simplicity Show Episode 3: Down to Business with Derek

Every time we turn around here at Simplicity CU we see another one of our friends that also happens to be a great resource for all kinds of useful info.

A little while ago, we caught up with our buddy Derek Freis, (recently promoted) VP of Member Business Lending and picked his ample brain. We talked about how important it is for him to know a member’s story, the effect of the Member Business Lending Cap, and found out who was the Shaggy to his Scooby-Doo.

We are proud to present The Simplicity Show Episode 3: Down to Business with Derek.

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Credit Unions: The Cheese Curds of the Financial Industry [Part 2]

Welcome back! You’ve made it to Part Two in our series where we’re making the (pretty air-tight) case that Cheese Curds and Credit Unions have a lot in common. If you missed Part One we suggest you indulge in a little binge-reading (which is totally a thing we just made up) and go there first.

Ready to roll? It’s time to talk about why we love squeaky things and you should too. 

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Credit Unions: The Cheese Curds of the Financial Industry [Part 1]

You may ask yourself, “Self, what IS the difference between a Credit Union and a Bank?”.

We could (have/will) go on and on about that topic here on our blog (also at birthday parties, family dinners, if you stopped us to ask for directions, etc.) but for the sake of economy, let us draw you a comparison that we think will hit our ‘Sconnie members right where it counts.

Consider the Cheese Curd, friends.

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What Same Day ACH Means for You

Here’s What You Need to Know About “Same Day ACH”

Let’s start here: If you’re a person (and we know you are) with a checking or savings account somewhere (anywhere), odds are that changes to the rules that govern electronic deposits and withdrawals are going to affect you and we’re here to tell you about it so read on.

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Simplicity Credit Union Announces Initial Plans For Thomas House Building


July 20, 2017

Contact: Ben Bauer, Director of Marketing, 844-769-2667,


Marshfield, WI – Having completed initial negotiations on the purchase of the commercial property at 103 S. Central Ave. in Marshfield, as announced last week, Simplicity Credit Union has started the initial planning for use of the Thomas House property.  

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