Simplicity Credit Union is committed to safeguarding your confidential information. The following outline explains what information we collect and how we use it to handle your financial business. It also lists some steps you can take to protect your personal and financial information. View our Disclosures here.

Types of Information We Collect

We collect a variety of information to assist in offering services to members. Sources of the information we collect include:
Applications for services. We request members' names, addresses, and social security numbers for correspondence and tax reporting purposes.

Transaction Processing

Our systems maintain a record of all transactions performed on your accounts.
Consumer reporting agencies. In making loan decisions, and opening new accounts, we use information from credit bureaus. Market research firms. We contract with a market research firm that supplies us with information and estimates about our members, such as the number of individuals in the household, home ownership status and home market value. This information is compiled from a variety of sources, including census data, public records and questionnaires. Emails and electronic communications. We collect email addresses from members who request information in electronic form, and from users of our web site who choose to provide their addresses. 

Third parties

The credit union uses various third parties to assist in offering financial services to members. For example, third parties are involved in the processing of transactions using credit cards, checks, and debit cards. We also use third party assistance in making consumer and real estate loan decisions. An outside vendor processes our member account statements. In each case when a third party is used for these services, the third party only receives information necessary to conduct the transaction, and may not disclose information about our members to any other parties or use it for unapproved purposes.

Data collected while using “Send money with Zelle®” in the Simplicity Credit Union Mobile App: Contacts are accessed while using the app but contacts and any other data are not stored.

Privacy Policies and Practices

To protect our members, Simplicity Credit Union takes the following steps: All employees are required to enter passwords before gaining access to our primary account records system. Each employee's ability to access and change information depends on that employee's job position. All paper reports and other documents to be discarded are shredded before leaving the credit union's premises, if they contain sensitive information.

Electronic Services

Our website uses cookies so that if you use a link to another site we sponsor, the other site will know that you originated from Simplicity Credit Union's site. The cookie also allows the sponsored site to place a link on their page to allow you to return easily to our website.

Mobile App Privacy Policy

Location Information: If you use our mobile banking application on your mobile device, we may collect and process information about your actual location. We use this data to provide relevant messaging, to tailor our products and services for you, and to occasionally offer you promotions of interest. This data can be collected even when the app is not open on your screen. You can enable or disable access to this information at any time, through your device settings.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

We recognize that protecting children's identities and online privacy is important. We encourage you to get involved with your child's online usage and to be aware of the activities in which they are participating.

Simplicity Credit Union does not knowingly collect, maintain, or use personal information from its website about children under the age of 13. If a child whom we know to be under the age of 13 sends personal information to us online, we will only use that information to respond directly to that child, notify parents, or seek parental consent. We are not responsible for the data collection and use practices of non-affiliated third parties to which our websites may link. Please check back here regularly to see what our latest policies are, particularly those relating to children. 

If Simplicity Credit Union should decide to collect information from your child who is under 13 years old through our webpage, we will request your authorization first, in accordance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. A parent or guardian has the right to review the personal information collected on a child under 13 years old. If requested, the parent or guardian can have the information deleted and refuse to allow any further collection or use of the child’s information.

If you have questions concerning the privacy of your child's personal information, please contact us.


We share information about individual members with TruStage. TruStage is a diversified financial services company serving credit unions and their members. The information includes names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, birth date and gender. TruStage uses the information we provide them to offer insurance and investment services to our members, and may not disclose information about our members to any other parties or use it for unapproved purposes.

What members can do to help

Protect your account numbers, card numbers, PINs (personal identification numbers), and passwords. In particular, never keep your PIN with your debit card or credit card, as that makes you vulnerable in the event you lose your card or your card is stolen. Use caution in revealing account numbers, social security numbers, etc. to other persons. In particular, if a caller tells you he/she is calling you on behalf of the credit union and asks for your account number, you should beware. Legitimate credit union staff would already have access to the information. It's important that the credit union has current information about how to reach you. If we detect potentially fraudulent use of your account, we will attempt to contact you immediately. If your address or phone number changes, please let us know.

Opt Out Notice

If you prefer that we not disclose nonpublic personal information about you to nonaffiliated third parties, you may opt out. That is, you may direct us not to make those disclosures (other than permitted by law). If you wish to opt out of disclosures to nonaffiliated third parties, please contact us, stop in our office and request a copy of the "Opt-Out" form, or print off this "Opt-Out" form