The Simplicity Show Ep. 12: Our very own Best-Selling Author

We get it, it’s hard to believe how many really, truly amazing people are on the Simplicity CU team.  Sometimes you think we're exaggerating and that’s ok.  

So here’s more proof:

In this episode of the Simplicity Show we invited Adam Schnabel, a member of our Mortgage Team, Best-Selling author, and (most importantly) Adoptive Dad into the Bunker.

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Simplicity Support Report - January 2019

Community support is crazy important to us and we're proud of the things we do to help local organizations and our communities that help make our world a better place. Since we know that stuff is important to you too, we thought "jeez, people might like to know about all of that stuff so they can be a part of the goodness that is community support". So, here we are, letting you know! Please join us or let us know if you'd like to get involved in any of these awesome opportunities. Cheers!

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The Simplicity Show Ep. 11: Are You Resolute this New Year?

As New Year’s Eve comes and goes, we’re faced with the eternal question:

“Can I get away with eating Christmas Cookies for breakfast just one more day?”

No, wait, not THAT question (obviously the answer is ‘Treat Yo’self!’) - the question of whether or not you HAVE to set New Year’s Resolutions.

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Introducing: Homes for Heroes!

Friends, heroes are not just something to watch on the movie screen, we see them Every. Single. Day.

From the Teachers standing in the wind and the rain and the cold to make sure the kids are making it into school safe and sound, to the Doctors, Nurses, Police, Firefighters, and EMTs that work long hours while we’re sound asleep, to the members of the Military, past and present, who risked their lives to protect us all, they are out there, all of the time, making the world better.

That’s why we’re SO EXCITED to announce that Simplicity CU has joined the Homes for Heroes program.

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Simplicity Support Report - December 2018

Community support is crazy important to us and we're proud of the things we do to help local organizations and our communities that help make our world a better place. Since we know that stuff is important to you too, we thought "jeez, people might like to know about all of that stuff so they can be a part of the goodness that is community support". So, here we are, letting you know! Please join us or let us know if you'd like to get involved in any of these awesome opportunities. Cheers!

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Simplicity CU is Coming to Neillsville!

Maybe you've already heard the good news about our upcoming location in Neillsville but in case you missed our press release ealier this month, we wanted to share it here:

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The Simplicity Show Ep.10: Veterans Day 2018

As a tribute to the Veterans on our team, in our families, and from our communities we're featuring just two of the places you can visit to pause, reflect, and give thanks for the men and women who've served our Country. 

The Highground in Neillsville and the Korean War Memorial in Plover both incorporate the natural beauty of Central Wisconsin and powerful imagery to ensure that the sacrfices of our Veterans will never be forgotten. 

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Simplicity Support Report - November 2018

Community support is crazy important to us and we're proud of the things we do to help local organizations and our communities that help make our world a better place. Since we know that stuff is important to you too, we thought "jeez, people might like to know about all of that stuff so they can be a part of the goodness that is community support". So, here we are, letting you know! Please join us or let us know if you'd like to get involved in any of these awesome opportunities. Cheers!

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Simplicity Support Report - October 2018

Community support is crazy important to us and we're proud of the things we do to help local organizations and our communities that help make our world a better place. Since we know that stuff is important to you too, we thought "jeez, people might like to know about all of that stuff so they can be a part of the goodness that is community support". So, here we are, letting you know! Please join us or let us know if you'd like to get involved in any of these awesome opportunities. Cheers!

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There's SO MUCH Happening With FinEd!

There’s always something happening with the cool people that handle our FinEd so we wanted to bring you a taste of what’s going on this month.

Let’s start here: We do a ton of FinEd for all ages because we think it makes the world a better place. In the schools, in the branches, maybe in the cereal aisle at the grocery store if you catch us at the right time, we’re always ready lay down some knowledge for our friends and neighbors.

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