Simplicity Support Report - April 2019

Community support is crazy important to us and we're proud of the things we do to help local organizations and our communities that help make our world a better place. Since we know that stuff is important to you too, we thought "jeez, people might like to know about all of that stuff so they can be a part of the goodness that is community support". So, here we are, letting you know! Please join us or let us know if you'd like to get involved in any of these awesome opportunities. Cheers!

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Why Change Our Website?

Our webpage isn’t just a place to dig around and find some cool and useful information. You come there to GET. THINGS. DONE. Right?

Of course!

So, we’re redesigning our navigation to help simplify that whole Getting-Things-Done process for you.

Read on to get the deets! 

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The Simplicity Show Ep. 15: Erin & Chris Howard

We hope you're not too tired of us bragging about the amazing people we get to work with because we're coming your way with another great example. In this episode of The Simplicity Show, we had some quality time with our friends Erin and Chris Howard, owners of Howard Properties in Marshfield, WI. 

The Howards are more than just great landlords, they're visionary property developers, community volunteers, and evangelists for a better Downtown America, wherever you are. 


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The Simplicity Show Ep. 14: This is How We DO the State GAC

How do 350 CU employees and volunteers showing up in Madison affect your everyday life? What do you learn when you put a whole mess of Credit Union believers in a room with their state representatives? If you haven’t thought you should be on the 1st floor and realized you had to be on the 3rd floor at the last second, have you even experienced the State GAC?

We learned all of this and more when we sat down with some of the cool Simplicity CU teammates to talk about their personal experiences at the 2019 Wisconsin State Government Affairs Conference.

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Simplicity Support Report - February 2019

Community support is crazy important to us and we're proud of the things we do to help local organizations and our communities that help make our world a better place. Since we know that stuff is important to you too, we thought "jeez, people might like to know about all of that stuff so they can be a part of the goodness that is community support". So, here we are, letting you know! Please join us or let us know if you'd like to get involved in any of these awesome opportunities. Cheers!

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The Simplicity Show Ep. 13: Introverts and Extroverts on the Team

How are Extroverts and Introverts different? What are some common reactions, coping skills, or misconceptions? If you make your boss also be your therapist on company time, do you pay them or do they pay you?

These are some of the answers we looked for on this episode with our special guest (and Captain of the Marketing Ship at Simplicity CU) Ben Bauer. 

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The Simplicity CU Team ROCKS The State GAC

On January 23rd – 25th, the Simplicity CU team SHOWED UP in Madison, WI for the State Government Affairs Conference (GAC) to represent our members, communities, and other area Credit Unions.

GAC is a nonpartisan advocacy event hosted by our good friends at the Wisconsin Credit Union League where a ton of Credit Union people (about 350 of us this year) get the chance to go face-to-face with state lawmakers each year.

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